Design of Structures Online is a software for design and analysis of structures elements.
It can be used effectively in two ways.
1. For designing of machine elements and assemblies.
2. For training of engineers in academics and industries.
The important feature of Design of Structures Online is that an optimized design solution
can be obtained quickly by inputting performance parameters. Two dimensional sketch
and a three dimensional model is also generated for some of the components wherever
they are required. Input parameters like materials, performance requirements, factor
of safety etc. can be varied conveniently to obtain different outputs. Designers
can have multiple design solutions for comparisons. One can design a component for
infinite or finite life. This helps design teams to increase their efficiency significantly.
FEAST takes pride into providing customized software solutions for designing based
on customer requirements.
Design of Structures Online consists of following design modules: Beam Analysis, Bearing,
Belt, Bolted Joint, Brake, Cam, Chain, Clutch, Column, Connecting Rod, Coupling,
Fatigue Analysis, Fits and Tolerence, Flywheel, Gear, Cotter-Knuckle Joint, Lever,
Material Database, Power Screw, Ratchet and Pawl, Shaft, Spring, Thin and Thick
Cylinder and Welded Joint.
The selection modules included are: Bearing, Chain, Belt and Bolt. Refer whitepapers
in download section for more information. Every module comes with a dedicated section
of technical help. This section provides for all the design formulae, step by step,
used for designing for each of the components. There is both technical and user
manual for quick understanding and use of software.
For more information please visit